Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Social Media Detox

I have been really impressed this week with the lovely Ruth from Dorky Mum, who spent the last month living without social media

Her post has really prompted me to think about my online activity, and has made me realise just how much I could achieve offline, and how many goals I could see turn into fruition, if I just got off of Facebook and Twitter every once in a while!

I can't promise to do a whole month with no social media, as I do use it for work also, but I am going to try to stop  relying on the internet to fill my day so much, and see how much I can achieve if I just put my mind to it.

There'll still be blog posts, but maybe just not so much time on parenting forums and other wastes of time... we'll see how I go!

I would definitely recommend reading Ruth's fantastic blog post, in the link at the top of the post.

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