Thursday, 13 February 2014

Floods in Worcester

Yesterday, I travelled to Worcester for a Uni tutorial. I have been studying various modules at Worcester Uni over the last couple of years, and so have spent many weekends and odd week days there. Having seen it at differing times of the year and in all weathers - snow, hail, rain and sun, I have become used to the changing landscape as the seasons move on.

I have never seen it actually underwater though, and it was really sad to see a beautiful city, taken over by brown muddy waters. I really love Worcester as a city, it is very quaint, and has some really interesting parts as you walk through it and look at the mixture of old and new built together in such confined spaces. #

The city is spread out over two sides of the river, and so having the main river bridge shut off, as it is this week, means that the city has effectively been split in two. Everywhere you turned yesterday, all you heard was talk of the flooding, leaving some people stranded, and others having their lives either disturbed, or completely turned up side down if the floods had affected their properties.

Here are some pictures I took yesterday of the floods. Thankfully I got home ok, but it was not an easy drive int he wind and the rain!

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