Friday, 17 January 2014

New Milestones

With each new year that passes, it seems that the girls reach a new milestone. This week it was the turn of eldest to notch up another sign she is growing fast. On Tuesday, eldest started back at swimming, and she has finally graduated to the "big" pool. Having spent her lessons since she was a baby swimming in the training pool week after week, this week she finally graduated to the adult pool, and proved herself as an independent swimmer, with no teacher in the water as a safety blanket.

It really does only seem five minutes ago that I was taking her to mother and baby classes, bouncing round in a circle singing the jingle jangle scarecrow and laying her on her back singing twinkle twinkle, and now she is swimming up and down on her back and front and doing all different kinds of things.

It wasn't an easy first lesson, the transition to the big pool, three times the length if the width she is used to is a big jump. She really struggled keeping up with the rest of the class, who have been in the class longer. However, she gave it her all and she didn't give up, even though she looked exhausted at the end.

I was so proud of eldest for persevering. To some, it may have just been a swimming lesson, but to me, it was one of the milestone moments. that makes you realise how quickly your children are growing up.

Elsewhere, youngest has been reaching new milestones too. Having now started doing "homework" with her reading, she is suddenly more motivated to start doing other out of school activities, like Mathletics - the maths programme her school subscribes to. She has dabbled in it before, but this week, she has developed an obsession with it, and has been logging on every night, with the sole intention of earning herself a certificate for getting 1000 points. Tonight, she finally achieved her certificate, and was so excited about it. I was very proud of her for trying so hard with it.

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