Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Review: Angel of Kindness by Joanne Rawson

It's not often I have time to sit down and read a book, and then if I do, it is normally a text book full of facts and information I need to retain. However, every so often it is nice to lose yourself in a good short story, and for one author, I am always eager to read anything she writes. Since my lovely friend Jo Rawson moved to Goa to be an author I have been an avid fan of her work. 

Jo's latest book is called "Angel of Kindness" and is a short story which is perfect for this time of year. Angel of Kindness is a very easy read and would appeal to those who like reading chic-lit. 

The story is set in Derbyshire at Christmas. Megan has returned home to her bi-sexual hippy mother who is not the most traditional of people. Finding herself back in her old town, with old friends, Megan is throwing off the shackles of a dreary marriage and a cheating husband, and reliving her misspent youth. Dragged to her old haunt (the local nightclub) by her well-meaning friends, Megan runs into a blast from the past, and wonders whether she made the right choices all those years ago.....

This story reminds me of going home for Christmas back to your old friends and family where time stands still whilst your life evolves. Set at one of the most picturesque times of year, Jo manages to conjure up a vivid picture of quintessential British life and the British traditions that surround Christmas. With a good dose of old Derbyshire charm thrown in this delightful short story warms the hear strings and just proves how the power of Christmas can bring people together.

I would definitely recommend having a read as the book is fantastic. I really enjoyed the plot line and found the characters really interesting. 

Angel of Kindness is available to buy here for just 99 cents via pdf and $1.23 for Kindle.

Disclsoure: I received a review copy of this story. All reviews are my own

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