Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Phillipines Typhoon Appeal - Please Donate

A few weeks ago when most of the UK suffered terrible storms, even though we expected damage, I'm sure that it never crossed our minds that we could potentially lose our houses, or everything we own, or that the storm would endanger the lives of our friends and family. Even though it may blow down a few trees, we never expected damage which would require an international response.

Fast forward a couple of weeks, and those in the Philippines were faced with the same kind of weather that we recently experienced - but on a much larger scale. Typhoon Haiyan struck the Philippines on the 8th of November, bringing winds of over 195mph and creating a surge of waves over thirty feet which wiped out entire coastal communities. Thousands were killed, and those left behind are now left desperately trying to salvage what belongings, if any they can.

It is hard to imagine losing everything, trying to look after your children in the open-air, with no food to give them, or sanitation to keep them from getting ill. Those affected by the typhoon in the Philippines who survived the storm urgently need food, water, food sanitation, as well as clothes, medicines and other aid.

The Disasters Emergency Committee consists of fourteen member agencies who are mobilised to provide aid to countries who require it after being hit by disaster.

Please consider making a donation to the DEC to help fund aid in the Phillipines to get help to those who are suffering. They need the help of international communities to help them get back up on their feet.

You can Text the word DONATE to 70000 to donate £5.

Your full £5 donation goes to the DEC Philippines Typhoon Appeal. This donation will be taken directly from your phone bill. Or you can donate online via paypal or via phone, or at a bank or post office, or via the red button.

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