Thursday, 12 June 2014

Catching Up.....

Another small break from blogging has ensued whilst real life has taken over, and I have had work deadlines, and a research module to finish up. 

The kids and I went away for a few days during half term. Part of my ingenious plan was to go and hide ourselves away in a holiday home, to try and get my Research Module work finished which had to be handed in last week. It was my first time of solo parenting for three days with the girls, and I have to say, it was surprisingly easy!! The girls have now happily reached an age where they can be a bit more independent and enjoy playing outside together, and amusing themselves whilst I am able to get on with things for a bit.

I spent the mornings studying, and the afternoons having fun on the beach. The girls really enjoyed the brief spots of sun we were lucky to experience.

I am happy to say that I managed to do solo parenting for three days on my own. I was also able to get all of my work finished and handed in. I am not so happy to say that this trip also involved a smashed laptop screen when youngest got a bit over-zealous and knocked the laptop off of the sofa, leaving me without a laptop to work on :-( (thank goodness for online storage).

Here are some pictures of the girls enjoying the sunshine!!

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