Monday, 30 December 2013

A Lovely Christmas!

Well, what a lovely Christmas we have had! There was the usual host of school plays and celebrations in the run up to Christmas. Youngest was a star in her first school Nativity - "Whoops a Daisy Angel". She is the Snowflake singing louder than anyone else in the video below!

There was also eldest's Carol Concert where she sang really well too. Eldest then played Mary in the church Crib Service on Christmas Eve which she was very excited about, and also read a lesson at the Annual Carol Service along with me. She had to read to a church filled with people and did really well - we were all very proud of her!

Christmas Eve was our traditional family Christmas Buffet, followed by a lovey Christmas Dinner the following day, and another Christmas dinner on Boxing day, followed by lots of Christmas Cake and Cheese - Yum!

We had a really fun trip to see Cinderella at the Alban Arena on Boxing Day. The Panto was fantastic and had Gareth Gates and Andy Day from CBeebies in it, along with Bob Golding who we think stole the show. The whole family was suitably impressed and it was a great day out. The girls also got to wear their new dresses which they were very excited about.

We were very lucky as we got given some lovely presents. The girls got stacks and I got some lovely things too. There was also the mandatory amount of fab TV which we have had the opportunity to catch up on.

I think the thing I have enjoyed most about Christmas, alongside the presents and the food and seeing family, is actually being able to stay in and not having to be anywhere. I haven't left the house in two days and it has been fantastic! I am now eagerly awaiting the snow season when we can have more time at home together!

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