Monday 6 October 2014

Mythical Maze Summer Reading Challenge

This week the girls collected their medals and certificates for participating in the "Mythical Maze" Summer Reading Challenge with our local library. Although summer now seems very far away, it has taken a few weeks for them to get through presenting the three hundred odd children with certificates who completed the summer reading challenge and my two were one of the last groups of children to receive theirs. The girls took part in the challenge last year too, which was "Creepy House" and had stinky stickers to collect (which were so vile!!)

Did you know that regular reading is one of the most important factors in predicting how well children do at school - regardless of their background or demographics? I find that pretty staggering, that just by reading, your children are statistically more likely to do well at school academically. To take your child to the library, or read to them or with them is such a simple thing to do.

This year, to successfully complete the challenge, the girls had to read six books over the summer, and then talk about them at the library with one of the staff or volunteers. I think this is a great idea as it gave them something to focus on, and also meant that we had a reason to visit the library and spend time choosing some quality books which they would have fun reading.

The girls very much enjoyed the summer reading challenge. They couldn't wait to get to the library to talk about their books and change them. They were very proud to come to the library to collect their certificates and medals last week. The library trips are something we shall keep up, and they can't wait for the challenge next year!

Did your kids take part in the summer reading challenge this year?

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