Thursday, 22 May 2014

Fruit Salad Woes

Eldest came home from school last week very excited as she had created a Fruit Salad "Recipe", which she needed to buy ingredients for, and take to school today in order to make.

Now I must admit, at the time, I smiled and nodded like every dutiful parent does, but I didn't heed massive attention to what the Fruit Salad consisted of, as I assumed that buying ingredients for a Fruit Salad would include a few apples, maybe some banana's and oranges, and perhaps the odd grape or two.

Fast forward to last night when I grabbed the recipe off of the Fridge to take to the shops to buy ingredients, and what a shock I was in for! Apparently, it appears that my daughter has exotic tastes when it comes to making Fruit Salad!

Her "Red" Fruit Salad consisted of Watermelon, Strawberries, Raspberries, Red Grapes and Pommegranate Seeds... not exactly the average seven year old's tastes!!

So, a trip to the supermarket and my purse is £10 lighter for a fruit salad!! Next time I'll be asking her to make something a little cheaper!!

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