Wednesday, 23 April 2014

The Post Easter Post

I have really enjoyed having the girls at home for the past two weeks over the Easter holidays. I have absolutely loved the long lie ins, the not having to get dressed until midday, the being able to be out all afternoon and not be back by three, and the staying up late and not needing to get them in bed by seven. I have also loved the lack of after school clubs and being at home during the early evening to be able to cook a meal and eat as a family. Add to this the chance to spend time with the girls and play, visit new places and discover new things, and eat out in some lovely restaurants, and I would say that our Easter holidays were pretty good. 

The girls went back to school this morning, and I have to say that today, I was totally ready for them to go back. Entertaining children all day is hard work - especially when they are chalk and cheese and want to do different things!! I know that that's part and parcel of being a Mum, but when you start to get a taste of having more free time once they start school, it's always a shock when your time is not your own during the holidays.

The kids being at home has meant that I seem to be making food every two hours, turning on and off various consoles, computer's and TV's constantly, and getting bikes and scooters in and out of the shed all day. Our washing pile has swelled to epic heights as the girls want to change their clothes every five minutes, and I have given up trying to keep on top of the housework because as soon as I tidy a room, my little whirlwinds will have it back to it's previous state in less than two minutes flat. Although it is lovely having them at home. It is also lovely having them back at school!

So far this morning, I have been reminded why having them at school is such a luxury!

  • The TV is my own - I can choose whatever channel I want to watch rather than having to mediate over who gets to watch what they want next, and my house is not constantly filled with the sound of children's channels.
  • I drank my Tea hot this morning - not cold because I keep getting interrupted
  • Oh the silence that fills the house!!! - that blissful silence which I know in years I may come to loathe, but right now, it is so lovely to hear the sound of nothing rather than arguing and constant requests and sniping at each other.  
  • I don't have to cook for anyone else today other than me!
  • I can access any computer or tablet I want without having to negotiate how long I can use it for before they will want it back. 
  • I can use the toilet with the door shut and uninterrupted! - I can even get in the bath without being interrupted too!!
  • I can talk on the phone without a little voice trying to grab my attention
  • I can get on with work without having to stop every five minutes
Oh yes, it's been a lovely Easter Holiday, but today is a welcome reminder about why having school aged children is lovely too. Now, how long until 3pm????


  1. Ah, I was waiting to see a post like this, bet you are so relieved at having some time to yourself again ;)

  2. lol - I'm sure as much as we love our children, we do breath a sigh of relief when they're occupied back at school!

  3. We are not quite at the stage of some of those things yet, but I rarely have hot tea x

  4. It's lovely to have them home but nice when they go back isn't it?! Sounds like you have had a lovely Easter - enjoy your quiet time!

  5. My son only attends nursery for 3 hours a day but I really miss the break when he's not there! He talks non stop all day long, it's exhausting...

  6. Glad you had such a lovely Easter holiday. The holidays don't make much of a difference to us at the moment,other than all our favourite haunts are packed with older children! Hooray for peaceful playgrounds and empty attractions :-)

  7. Ha ha! I totally know about not being able to use the bathroom without company from a small person!

  8. I'm home educating my son so I will not have any peace, ever :)

  9. That joy of an uninterrupted cup of hot tea! My kids are constantly changing their clothes too so I know what your laundry pile looks like. I love being with the kids during the holidays, but really appreciate the start of the new term too.

  10. lovely post. this is what i am hoping for! my kids are still off from school! grrrr....

  11. Enjoy those moments when you can - good to hear you had a fab Easter though as well ;) x

  12. Mine go back Monday and I'm already looking forward to the next holiday!

  13. I like your positivity in going back to school as I am hating every minute of it lol.

  14. I was ready for my eldest to go back too! We've had a great 2 weeks and had hubby home for six days. J didn't go back til yesterday and hubby went back to work Tuesday so I think he was missing his dad and was on one all day! So as he winds the twins up I had 3 kiddies all over the place and driving me crackers! Yesterday was so much calmer, J was at school and the twins played lovely together x

  15. aw she looks like she had a great day , great pic x

  16. I still have two at home so I never really get this effect when schools back, as its still almost as busy here just with one less kid. Next year my younger two will be starting school and nursery so I'm sure I will definitely notice all this!

    Anna (intheplayroom)

  17. I am sort of dreading the time when T is old enough for school and just getting used to the routine and suddenly they're at home again, but actually you make it sound really lovely! Until you're ready for them to go back that is!

  18. I read your post and thought there must be so many mums out there saying that same ahhh BLISS still 3.00

  19. My daughter started nursey today and it was lovely to have the radio on in the background instead of Sofia the did feel odd though

  20. I love having mine at home over the holidays but I definitely miss my routine when they're at home x x



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