Monday, 20 August 2012

Scooby Doo Spooky Games DVD Review

During the summer holidays it's often hard work trying to keep the kids entertained as six weeks is a long time, especially if you have kids like mine who want to do something new every day. So when Warner Brothers sent us a copy of Scooby Doo Spooky Games to review, along with some sacks for sack races, stickers and a whistle and bands to recreate their own sports day, the kids were really excited to get stuck in.

To start with, the girls watched the dvd for some sporting inspiration. The Spooky Games DVD contains a short new episode, and has the added bonus of some old classic episodes also included. Spooky Games shows Scooby Doo and his friends off to compete at the World Invitational Games - kind of like the Olympic Games, but in lots of different wonderful locations rather than in one place. As in a typical Scooby Doo episode, there is always something to challenge the gang and so rather than just concentrating on winning the games, the gang set out to solve a mystery when a one thousand year old statue comes to life and puts the whole event in jeopardy. As usual, it's up to Scooby and the gang to save the day. This episode is around 22 minutes long which was the perfect amount of time for youngest to enjoy an episode without getting too bored. The girls really enjoyed this episode and especially loved the statue coming to life!

As well as a new episode, the Spooky Games dvd also contains episodes of Scooby's All Star Laff-A-Lympics. These episodes hail from 1978, and show various different Hanna Barbera characters competing in different activities in different locations around the world. These episodes brought a great piece of nostalgia to hubby as he recalls watching them when he was a kid. 

The girls loved the dvd as a whole as the good old slapstick fun really entertained them. Although the story line went a little over youngest's head (she is 3), she really enjoyed watching the cartoon anyway. As eldest spent a lot of time at school last term learning about different countries, she was really interested to find that the episodes actually involved lots of different countries. This DVD costs £4.99 on Amazon, which represents great value. Although my girls have not really been into Scooby Doo previously, they are now begging me to purchase more Scooby DVD's for them as they enjoyed the episode so much. 

With the memories of the recent Olympic Games swimming in their heads, and having just watched the Spooky Games dvd, the girls were eager to make use of the goodies that came in their package. When they finished watching the dvd, the girls went off into the garden and started sack racing from the top of the garden to the bottom. Youngest couldn't quite get the hang of the sack race bless her, but eldest, the expert on sports day after experiencing it at school was soon setting up races between her and her sister.

This Scooby Doo DVD really entertained the girls, and also inspired them to go outside and do some physical activity - a win win in my book! Thanks to Warner Brothers for sending us a fantastic dvd.

Disclosure: DVD sent in consideration of review.

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